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WebSockets are a protocol for bidirectional, full-duplex, message-oriented communication over the web. Basically, it's a way to send messages between a client and a server.

WebSockets will be available on the configured in the Runtime Configuration file.

WebSocket Controllers#

Swift support an unlimited amount of socket endpoints (routes) in your application. This is done by creating WebSocketControllers. A WebSocketController is a class that extends the \Swift\WebSocket\Controller\AbstractWebSocketController class and applies the Swift\WebSocket\Attributes\SocketRoute attribute.

<?php declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace Foo\WebSocket;
use Ratchet\RFC6455\Messaging\Message;
use Swift\WebSocket\Attributes\SocketRoute;
use Swift\WebSocket\Exceptions\WebsocketErrorException;
use Swift\WebSocket\HttpFoundation\JsonMessage;
use Swift\WebSocket\HttpFoundation\MessageInterface;
use Swift\WebSocket\WsConnection;
#[SocketRoute( route: '/chat/', name: 'chat' )]
final class ChatController extends \Swift\WebSocket\Controller\AbstractWebSocketController {
* @inheritDoc
public function onOpen( WsConnection $connection ): ?MessageInterface {
return new JsonMessage(
'type' => 'system',
'data' => 'Hello world!',
* @inheritDoc
public function onClose( WsConnection $connection ): ?MessageInterface {
return new JsonMessage(
'type' => 'system',
'data' => 'Goodbye!',
* @inheritDoc
public function onMessage( WsConnection $connection, Message $message, \SplObjectStorage $clients ): ?MessageInterface {
foreach ( $clients as $client ) {
if ( $connection !== $client ) {
// The sender is not the receiver, send to each client connected
$client->send( $message );
return null;
* @inheritDoc
public function onError( WsConnection $connection, WebsocketErrorException $exception ): ?MessageInterface {
return null;

Protecting your routes#

Like with REST routes it's also possible to protect your routes. For this is are isGranted directive in the SocketRoute attribute.

#[SocketRoute( route: '/chat/', name: 'chat', isGranted( [ 'ROLE_ADMIN' ]) )]