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Option 1: Starter template#

The easiest way is to kickoff with the starter template (


Create a project and pass the of your project. Run the command below and change project_name to the name of your project.

composer create-project swift-api/swift-starter project_name

After running a new directory is created. Type cd project_name in your terminal (your project's name) to enter the project. This is necessary for the next step.

Init database#

Make sure to fill out login detail to a database in /etc/config/database.yaml.

driver: mysql
host: localhost
username: root
password: ''
database: myapp_db
port: 3306
prefix: prefix_

Init the database by running in your terminal from the root of the project.

php bin/console orm:sync

Setup app details#

Fill out /etc/config/app.yaml. Make sure to add the right baseurl, otherwise routing won't work.

All set!#

Visit your site site app-domain/hello-world and you should get the following response

"message": "Hey legend! Let's get started at"

From here you can rename the references from MyApp to your own namespace and get going.

  1. Rename in root services.yaml (this references to destination to the first part of the namespace)
  2. Rename in App folder
  3. Rename in app/config.yaml
  4. Rename namespace of the HelloWorld controller or remove it

Option 2: Manual installation#

This a bit harder and not recommended, however it is totally possible.


Get it from Composer Only do this if you're quite familiar with Swift.

composer require swift-api/swift

Create right file structure#

See as a reference for setting the right folder structure and files.

Init database#

Make sure to fill out login detail to a database in /etc/config/database.yaml

driver: mysql
host: localhost
username: root
password: ''
database: myapp_db
port: 3306
prefix: prefix_

Init the database by running

php bin/console orm:sync

Setup app details#

Fill out /etc/config/app.yaml. Make sure to add the right baseurl, otherwise routing won't work.

All set!#

You should be able to create an endpoint now and retrieve responses accordingly.