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Every entity has a lifecycle. The lifecycle is a series of events that are triggered during the life of the entity. The events are:

  • onCreate
  • onUpdate
  • onDelete

It might be useful to undertake certain actions when an entity is created, updated, or deleted. The ORM provides a way to do this. It is called a lifecycle.

It is also possible to modify data before it is saved to the database.

The hook into the lifecycle of an entity is done by implementing the Swift\Orm\Behavior\LifecycleInterface.

The is no limit to the number of lifecycles that can be implemented.

<?php declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace App\Foo\Repository;
use Swift\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;
use Swift\DependencyInjection\Attributes\Autowire;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\Event\Mapper\Command\OnCreate;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\Event\Mapper\Command\OnDelete;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\Event\Mapper\Command\OnUpdate;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\LifeCycleInterface;
class MovieLifeCycle implements LifeCycleInterface {
public function __construct(
protected readonly ConfigurationInterface $configuration,
) {
* @inheritDoc
public static function getEntityClass(): string {
return Movie::class;
* @inheritDoc
public function onCreate( OnCreate $event ): void {
// TODO: Implement onCreate() method.
* @inheritDoc
public function onUpdate( OnUpdate $event ): void {
// TODO: Implement onUpdate() method.
* @inheritDoc
public function onDelete( OnDelete $event ): void {
// TODO: Implement onDelete() method.


A possible use case could be to add a spamfilter to the movie entity.

<?php declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace App\Foo\Repository;
use Swift\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;
use Swift\DependencyInjection\Attributes\Autowire;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\Event\Mapper\Command\OnCreate;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\Event\Mapper\Command\OnDelete;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\Event\Mapper\Command\OnUpdate;
use Swift\Orm\Behavior\LifeCycleInterface;
use App\Foo\Service\SpamFilter;
class MovieLifeCycle implements LifeCycleInterface {
public function __construct(
protected readonly ConfigurationInterface $configuration,
protected readonly SpamFilter $spamFilter,
) {
* @inheritDoc
public static function getEntityClass(): string {
return Movie::class;
* @inheritDoc
public function onCreate( OnCreate $event ): void {
$event->state->get( 'description' )
* @inheritDoc
public function onUpdate( OnUpdate $event ): void {
$event->state->get( 'description' )
* @inheritDoc
public function onDelete( OnDelete $event ): void {
// TODO: Implement onDelete() method.