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Events, Subscribers & Listeners

Under the hood the Symfony Event Dispatcher is used, however there is a custom implementation on the Event Dispatcher. This is in order to provide future stability and to enable the system for adding functionality in to the event system.

Subscribing or listening to events#

You can choose to subscribe to (multiple) events by using an EventSubscriber. An EventSubscriber has to return an array of the events it desires to listen (subscribe) to. An EventListener on the other hand can mark a public method as a Listener for a specific event by annotating it with the ListenTo attribute (example below).

Subscribing to events#

When you want to do something when a given event occurs (like logging, or for example add a Route variable_type) you can subscribe to those events using a EventSubscriber instance. In contrary to Symfony, in this system Event Subscriber do support Dependency Injection. It is recommended to only use subscribers to 'catch' the event and use a service to execute the actual logic (and if applicable apply the result to the event). Quite the same as you would do in a Controller or a command. This makes the logic in the service reusable for different occasions and keeps the subscriber clean.

<?php declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace App\Foo\EventSubscriber;
use Swift\Router\Event\OnBeforeRouteEnterEvent;
class FooSubscriber implements \Swift\Events\EventSubscriberInterface {
* @inheritDoc
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array {
return [
OnBeforeRouteEnterEvent::class => 'onBeforeRouteEnter',
public function onBeforeRouteEnter( OnBeforeRouteEnterEvent $event ): void {
// Do something here

Listening to an event#

Listen to an event by marking the class an EventListener by implement the Interface and marking a method as a listener. Provide the event as argument in the attribute. The event will be passed to the method as an argument.

<?php declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace App\Foo\Listener;
use Swift\Events\Attribute\ListenTo;
use Swift\Security\Authentication\Events\AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent;
use Swift\Security\Authentication\Token\ResetPasswordToken;
class OnAfterAuthentication implements \Swift\Events\EventListenerInterface {
* Send user a mail with password reset token after creating one
* @param AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent $event
#[ListenTo(event: AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent::class)]
public function mailOnPasswordTokenCreated( AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent $event ): void {
if ($event->getToken() instanceof ResetPasswordToken) {
to: $event->getToken()->getUser()->getEmail(),
subject: 'Password reset',
message: sprintf('Hi %s, Hereby your password reset token: %s.', $event->getToken()->getUser()->getFullName(), $event->getToken()->getTokenString())

How to create your own events#

Events are classes which can be dispatched using the EventDispatcher. You can easily create your own like the example.

namespace Swift\Security\Authentication\Events;
use Swift\Events\AbstractEvent;
use Swift\Security\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
* Class AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent
* @package Swift\Security\Authentication\Events
class AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent extends AbstractEvent {
protected static string $eventDescription = 'Authentication token has been created';
protected static string $eventLongDescription = '';
* AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent constructor.
* @param TokenInterface $token
public function __construct(
private TokenInterface $token,
) {
* @return TokenInterface
public function getToken(): TokenInterface {
return $this->token;
* @param TokenInterface $token
public function setToken( TokenInterface $token ): void {
$this->token = $token;

Dispatching events#

Events are dispatched using the EventDispatcher. You will need to inject the EventDispatcher (Swift\Events\EventDispatcher) into your class.

Below an example from the Authentication Manager dispatching an event for the created token.

// Create authenticated token
$token = $authenticator->createAuthenticatedToken( $passport );
$token = $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch( new AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent( $token ) )->getToken();

Default system events#

All events and their description can be listed by running the command php bin/console events:list:all. This will result in something as such.

$ php bin/console events:list:all
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
event description
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Foo\Event\OnBeforeFooEvent Foo example event
Swift\HttpFoundation\Event\BeforeResponseEvent Before response is send
Swift\Kernel\Event\KernelOnBeforeShutdown Before Kernel is terminated after sending response
Swift\Kernel\Event\KernelRequestEvent Entry into Kernel, before routing and authentication has started
Swift\Logging\Event\OnBeforeLoggerHandlersEvent On Logger construction. Optionally add or remove Logger Handlers
Swift\Model\Events\EntityOnFieldSerializeEvent Before entity serializes field
Swift\Model\Events\EntityOnFieldUnSerializeEvent Before entity deserializes field
Swift\Router\Event\OnBeforeRouteEnterEvent Route is matched, but not the Controller has not been called yet
Swift\Router\Event\OnBeforeRoutesCompileEvent Routes have been collected from Controller, but have not been Compiled yet. Add, modify or remove routes
Swift\Security\Authentication\Events\AuthenticationFailedEvent Authentication has failed. This could be due to an error or access could be denied
Swift\Security\Authentication\Events\AuthenticationFinishedEvent Authentication process is completed
Swift\Security\Authentication\Events\AuthenticationSuccessEvent A user or client has successfully authenticated against the application
Swift\Security\Authentication\Events\AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent Authentication token has been created
Swift\Security\Authentication\Events\CheckPassportEvent Passport has been created. Run any validations against passport or add data to passport
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------