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PHP is great. It's easy. It's flexible. It's open source. However, it's not always fast, it's not asynchronous, and it's hard to work with things like websockets.

A runtime would be a great way to make it easy to work with things like websockets, and it also eliminates bootstrapping the application on every request. Sounds great right!? Exactly!

The development of the Runtime Component is just getting started. It's not ready for production yet, but it's ready for you to try it out. At the moment it exists of four components:


The Runtime can be started by running the command below. Since it's a runtime, it will keep running until you stop it. Once you stop it, the runtime will stop and the sockets will be closed.

Starting the Runtime#

bin/server runtime:start

This should give you an output somewhat like this:

$ bin/server runtime:start
_______ _______ ______ _______ _____ _ _ _ _ _______ _____ __ __ ______
/ ____\ \ / /_ _| ____|__ __| | __ \| | | | \ | |__ __|_ _| \/ | ____|
| (___ \ \ /\ / / | | | |__ | | | |__) | | | | \| | | | | | | \ / | |__
\___ \ \ \/ \/ / | | | __| | | | _ /| | | | . ` | | | | | | |\/| | __|
____) | \ /\ / _| |_| | | | | | \ \| |__| | |\ | | | _| |_| | | | |____
|_____/ \/ \/ |_____|_| |_| |_| \_\____/|_| \_| |_| |_____|_| |_|______|
Scheduled 2 coroutines
File watcher
Server will restart on changes in configured files and/or directories
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Watching Ignoring
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services.yaml, app, src, etc/config tests
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Websocket server
✅ Successfully booted socket router
-------- ---------
Status Enabled
Port 8000
Routes 1
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