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To interact with the database directly for executing raw SQL queries, you can inject the Swift\Dbal\Dbal service. This is a direct implementation of the Cycle\Database\DatabaseInterface.

You can select data from the database by using the query() method.

$result = $dbal->query( 'SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id = ?', [ 1 ] );
print_r( $result->fetchAll() );

You can also use named parameters.

$result = $dbal->query( 'SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id = :id', [ 'id' => 1 ] );
print_r( $result->fetchAll() );

To execute and non-select queries, you can use the execute() method.

$affected = $dbal->execute( 'DELETE FROM movies WHERE id = :id', [ 'id' => 1 ] );
print_r( $affected );